Friday, May 04, 2007

Red Flag for Men - Feminism

As you go through the journey of meeting women of different kinds, backgrounds and beliefs, you must remember that one fundamentality quality of a woman says much more to her than just the possession of that single quality.

For instance, a woman who is a passionate / extreme feminist, who believes not only in equality but in equivalence of sexes - a woman who wants occupy exactly the same role and position in life and society as a man would at any cost is very likely to have some major flaws in her personality that would prevent you from enjoying dating her.

A feminist is less giving than a traditional woman. She is usually incapable of submitting to a man or pleasing a man.

A feminist is hypersensitive. She can't take many jokes and gets offended easily.

A feminist in insecure in her position in life and she feels the need to prove over and over the fact that she can do everything a man can and more, which can be quite annoying. A woman who claims to be "independent" will confront you and argue with you over little things just to make a point that she can.

On ther other hand, a woman who holds traditional values and believes in gender roles to at least a certain extent is likely to be much more affectionate, giving, not easily offended, much easier to get along with and otherwise more fun to be around. You are much more likely to be able to be yourself around such a woman.

So... you decide who you want to date. I made up my mind.

Arkady Itkin
Revolution in Dating & Personal Growth Advice

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