Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Day America Was Hijacked

I am solidly behind the calls for impeachment of Bush and Cheney, even though I have a clear understanding of the fact that impeaching these guys is sort of like firing the waiters in the restaurant where you got food poisoning.

Yeah, they're a couple of really rude scoundrels that deserve to go, but they just serve the food. We should be asking ourselves, What's going on in the kitchen? And who really owns this joint, anyway?

What with public confidence in government going down faster than a priest at a little league game, most of us are feeling as clueless as George Bush at a Mensa meeting.

I mean, what has happened to the dream that was once the republic of The United States of America? Exactly when we did we begin the slide into fascism and totalitarianism?

I'll tell you exactly when. December 23, 1913.

That was the night that congress passed the Federal Reserve Act. It's the night our elected officials handed over the keys to all of our lives by giving the cartel of international banks that IS the federal reserve control over the issuance of our national currency.

The banks and our government effectively became partners in the enslavement of the American people in just a few short moments that fateful night.

It was back in 1693 that the Bank of England became the first central bank of that country of our ancestors. Some really sharp guys who owned that bank back then had figured out you could take over the entire country without firing a shot by doing one thing. Getting the government into debt.

That's right. The creation of debt is the instrument by which the bank effectively took over the government, and that formula works as well today as it did over 300 years ago.

Governments are taken over, and the people of a country become enslaved, when the banks control the government through the governments debts, and the issuance of the national currency.

The trick for the banks of course became figuring out the fastest way to get the government to borrow lots of money.

And this isn't a hard question, folks. What's the most expensive endeavor known to man? Even Dubya knows this one.


Do you think it's a coincidence that the first world war broke out just a short time after the passage of the federal reserve act? It's not. The massive debts incurred gave the banks complete control over our entire country, and that control persists to this day.

The bankers treat government like pushers treat junkies. Give them a taste, make the product affordable and easy to get, and they're hooked for life.

Of course, if you're going to enslave an entire country by turning it's government into a junkie, it would be prudent for you as the banker to figure out a way to make sure the junkie has enough money to buy your drugs, er, I mean service those massive debts.

Enter the passage, make that alleged passage, of the 16th amendment authorizing the income tax.

This isn't the con of the century, folks. It's the con of all time.

The whole scam is actually a perversely beautiful thing in the savage simplicity of it's genius.

So many generations have gone by since that fateful night that The Fed is perceived by almost everybody as the very bedrock foundation of a great economic system, when in fact, it's just the biggest lie ever told.

Yup, the slick SOBs that pulled this off make modern terrorists look like Mother Theresa.

I invite those of you who are intrigued by the notion that our nation was hijacked by a bunch of really rich con men almost a 100 years ago to read the definitive textbook on this subject. It's called The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. Read it, and weep.

Then by all means let's fire those obnoxious waiters, and let's sack the cook, and then let's get serious and go after the owners of the restaurant; the banks that have enslaved us all.

We just have do a couple of things. Get a law passed that prohibits government from borrowing, and then take back control over the issuance of our nation's money. Oh yeah, then we get rid of the income tax.

Let's get this junkie into rehab. Cold turkey baby.

Then the insanity that has plagued us for almost 100 years will stop, and America can become the beacon of hope for all mankind that it once was, a very long time ago.

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